Cadence & Co

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We are participating in the Tour de PIF on 13th September

We're taking part in the Tour de PIF: Tour for Homeless Youth this September. It's a feel-great cycling, running, or walking challenge that's raising funds to provide every young Australian facing homelessness with a safe, secure home environment.

Youth homelessness affects 46,000 young Australians, and each night, 1 in 2 young people are being turned away from supported accommodation services.

Through the Property Industry Foundation, your support will have a tangible impact on youth homelessness, building accommodation, and providing ongoing support for homes where young people can live safely. Each $1 raised is matched with in-kind donations of skills, labour and goods from the property and construction industry. This unique partnership doubles the value of every $1 donated. Support our Tour de PIF and provide homeless youth with an opportunity to determine their own futures.

Thank you to our Sponsors


Alan Suttor


Louise Taylor

Great work helping those in need


Jamie Lonie


Paul Galliford


Ben Wright

No pain no gain!




Alex Buring

Love your work, Danny. Pedal on!


Ron And Sarah Vise


Lauren & Tara




John Yeomans


Elyse Haines


Nick Lonie




Debra Wilson

Well done gem love the Wilsons


Robyn Barrett

Such a great idea! Good on you Lauren. Xxx


Susan Feldman

Run well


Mark Hughes


Jeff Tyson

Great work Danny


Gerald Murchison

Good luck mate!


Danny Vise




Kat & Colin Smith

Good luck Danny! Hope the training is going well x


Barry Galliford

Onya Reggie. Sorry I can't run with you to show my support. Proud of you making an effort mate.


Kate Hughes


Kim Seymour

Best of luck Danny!


Marc Cuscino



Running? Either way, a worthy cause.


Ramiro López Peña

Go get it!!


Tom H

