Mitchell Kent

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I am participating in the Tour de PIF on 13th September

I'm taking part in the Sydney Tour de PIF: For Homeless Youth this September. It's a feel-great cycling, running, or walking challenge that's raising funds to provide every young Australian facing homelessness with a safe, secure home environment.

Youth homelessness affects 46,000 young Australians, and each night, 1 in 2 young people are being turned away from supported accommodation services.

Through the Property Industry Foundation, your support will have a tangible impact on youth homelessness, building accommodation, and providing ongoing support for homes where young people can live safely. Each $1 raised is matched with in-kind donations of skills, labour and goods from the property and construction industry. This unique partnership doubles the value of every $1 donated. Support my Tour de PIF and provide homeless youth with an opportunity to determine their own futures.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Excell Gray Bruni

Hey Mitch, good luck mate! hope you've been training haha- Daniel EGB.


Nick Stocks

Great work Mitch.


Dalton Consulting Engineers (dce)

Great event for a great cause! All the best Mitch.


Andrew Kennedy

Have fun on the hill climbs


Jerome Martin

Great cause and delighted to donate.


John & Diana Royce

Good luck & have fun. Great Cause!


Dario Precoma

Just another challenge that we know you will exceed at


Mitchell Kent


Andrew Norman

Good luck on the ride. You won’t have to worry about any snow on the road 🫣


Phil And Annette Kent

Good on you for taking on such a challenge. Good luck - enjoy the ride.


Daniel And Jeanette

Good luck Mitch


James Beckley

Go well, mate!


Michael Taylor-sands

God luck Mitch - hope the wind is behind you


Veronica Lopez

Nice one Mitch! Great cause. All the best.