Kerwin Datu

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Raising money because you never know who might be homeless

This September I'll be looking to run my fastest ever half-marathon (under two hours) as part of the Sydney Tour de PIF, the Property Industry Foundation's annual event raising money for homeless youth.

Youth homelessness affects 46,000 young Australians, and each night, 1 in 2 young people are being turned away from supported accommodation services.

The thing is, you never know who might be homeless or risks becoming so. You probably don't know that I myself lived without any fixed address for fourteen months as a young adult, what we call 'secondary homelessness', living from couch to couch, hostel to hostel, moving each month, week or even night to keep a roof over my head, one of many effects of an undiagnosed mental disorder.

These days I am thriving in my career as an architect, well supported by my employer and the property industry overall. I ask you to help me continue to pay it forward to support young people who risk losing their grip on their own lives and succumbing to homelessness. Because you never know how well people can bounce back with the right support.

Through the Property Industry Foundation, your support will have a tangible impact on youth homelessness, building accommodation, and providing ongoing support for homes where young people can live safely. Each $1 raised is matched with in-kind donations of skills, labour and goods from the property and construction industry. This unique partnership doubles the value of every $1 donated. Support my Tour de PIF and provide homeless youth with an opportunity to determine their own futures.

My Updates

Help me reach my athletic goal!

Monday 12th Aug
Thank you to everyone who has helped me reach my fundraising goal, especially you kind souls who have done so anonymously.

Now it's time to help me reach my athletic goal! I ran the 14km City2Surf at just under 82 minutes yesterday, which means I have a little bit of work to do to ensure I can run the 21km of the Tour de PIF in under two hours. Why not motivate me just that little bit more by continuing to donate for homeless youth right now. Click the amount and the Donate button on this page to make it happen.

Thank you to my Sponsors



Best wishes Kerwin. Good cause to support.


Joshua And Riezl Espanta

We support your cause. We are proud of you.



A very worthwhile cause to support and thank you to you and to those from your profession who are behind it!


Erica Mcmanus

Fantastic you are doing this Kerwin.


Gener Angeles

Well done Kerwin!!


Andrew Mowbray


Annie Sudich

A very good cause. Good on you Kerwin.


Joie Dorotheo

Good cause, have fun.



Onya Kerwin