24 Hour Ultramarathon for Homeless Youth

By Felipe Serra-Martins Join Me

Every night 44,000 young Aussies are homeless.
1 in 3 seeking urgent accommodation are turned away.
This is not only heart breaking.
It is unconscionable.

As someone from blue-collar, immigrant heritage, I grew up with a real understanding of financial hardship. This is why I am so passionate about ending youth homelessness in Australia.

In 2023, I will be running 24 Hours non-stop to raise funds and awareness for homeless youth.

This epic run will test every fiber of my being.
Yet my will remains resolute; my why never more clear.
As I have 44,000 reasons to keep on running to make a real difference in the world.

Please make a donation today to help bring hope to homeless youth.
As every dollar counts to help create a brighter future for those in desperate need.


Felipe Serra-Martins (LLB | JP)