Anastasia Zappert

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I am participating in the Tour de PIF on 13th September

I'm taking part in the Sydney Tour de PIF: For Homeless Youth this September. 

Youth homelessness affects 46,000 young Australians, and each night, 1 in 2 young people are being turned away from supported accommodation services.

Each $1 raised is matched with in-kind donations of skills, labour and goods from the property and construction industry. This unique partnership doubles the value of every $1 donated. Support my Tour de PIF and provide homeless youth with an opportunity to determine their own futures.

It will also be 12 months since my foot surgery and what an important reason to get back on my feet!!

Thank you to my Sponsors






Chris Capili

Go AZ you got this :)


Brianna Cooper

Go AZ! This is a great achievement for yourself, and also a great cause to be supporting.






Vanessa Ching