Tash Caine

Pedal for Homeless Youth (24)

Pedal for the Next Generation!

This cause holds great significance for me because I am a strong advocate for ensuring that young adolescents have access to a safe environment that is conducive to self-development and the development of their worldview.

Last year, 40,000 young people aged 15–24 asked for help. 1 in 2 were turned away due to lack of beds.

The Property Industry Foundation exists to solve this problem of youth homelessness. The Foundation brings together the property and construction industry to build homes for homeless youth through its Haven Project.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Tom Huxley


Natasha Tambun


Natasha Caine

Go me :D


Emily Suter

Great work Tash!


Justin Carlaw


Martin And Karen

Thank you 🙏🙏🙏


Manny Singh

Great effort! Good luck Natasha!


Bianca Brophy

Go Tash!


Aleesha Balke

Pedal to the medal!




Kin Liang


Vihari Devarakonda

God speed