NDY Sydney

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NDY Avengers Assemble

This squad of elite athletes consists of: 

Cameron aka. "The Diamond"

Goran aka. "Steven Seagal"

Peter aka. "The Greek Freak"

Beau aka. "Jordan"

Jordan aka.  "Beau". 

Each member of the team will be completing a 60km bike ride.  Beau and Jordan suffer from terrible separation anxiety, and will therefore be competing on a tandem bike, dressed in a costume of the people's choosing. 

The Tour de PIF: Tour for Homeless Youth this September 13th is raising funds to provide every young Australian facing homelessness with a safe, secure home environment. There are talks of livestreaming the event - TBC could be just whispers.

Youth homelessness affects 46,000 young Australians, and each night, 1 in 2 young people are being turned away from supported accommodation services.

Through the Property Industry Foundation, your support will have a tangible impact on youth homelessness, building accommodation, and providing ongoing support for homes where young people can live safely. Each $1 raised is matched with in-kind donations of skills, labour and goods from the property and construction industry. This unique partnership doubles the value of every $1 donated. Support our Tour de PIF and provide homeless youth with an opportunity to determine their own futures.

Please show your support and donate today!

Thank you to our Sponsors




Anne Vans-colina

Great cause Peter Well done!




Harley And Robyn Dymond

Good luck and go safely Mum&Dad


Tim Dymond


Cameron Dymond


Jordan Biggs

Barbie and Ken


Peter Anderson

Ken and Barbie


Zoe M

Go Beau!


Justin Mckee

Barbie and Ken please! I'm thinking the beach roller blade outfits.


Beau Carner

5x Votes for Batman and Robin


Jean Lewis

Good luck Team NDY!


John Lee


Sath Dashi

Good luck team! 5 x votes for Ken and Barbie


Daniel Huynh

pump those legs up the hill!


Robin Carner

Well done!


Ryan Holdsworth


Cara Clancy

It's got to be Barbie and Ken, right?!


Janet Biggs

Barbie and ken


Big Dogg Dano

I will be rooting for my bro Beau and his doppleganger Jordan. I am requesting the Batman and Robin costume


Goran Muratbegovic


Zoe Neill

Barbie and Ken for the win! Will donate again if livestreaming can be confirmed - would literally pay to see that!


Darien Matsis

Beau Carner is my inspiration. I have never met a more humble, dashing and caring young man. Looking forward to the barbie costume xo



Barbie & Ken


Dora Matson

Barbie (jordan) and Ken (Beau) (specifically their roller-skating outfit as suggested by justin)