Darren Geraghty

Pedal for Homeless Youth (24)

Last year, 40,000 young people aged 15–24 asked for help. 1 in 2 were turned away due to lack of beds

The Property Industry Foundation exists to solve this problem of youth homelessness. The Foundation brings together the property and construction industry to build homes for homeless youth through its Haven Project.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Aaron & Helen

Huge effort Darren, well done for championing such an important cause!


Zane Williams

Good to see you getting early prep in for the Snowy Mountains in 2025 Dazza


Ganesh Vancheeswaran

Well done Darren


Lavendra Selva

Go Dazz!


Michelle Geraghty


Darren Chow

Good luck, Team!


Darren Geraghty



Please explain this to me in detail


Lachlan Prentice


Danny Partridge

With the level of rising you have been doing lately, I hope you make it…



Good on you daz. Great to see you back out on the bike


Rowan Foster

Big kms through winter Daz!







Well done, Darren. Great foundation to be a part of.