Caio Peculis

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I am participating in the Tour de PIF on 13th September

This September, I'm swapping my ultra-marathon shoes for a pair of half-marathon kicks at the Sydney Tour de PIF: For Homeless Youth. Yes, it's shorter than my usual 100km adventures, but the cause behind this event makes every step to the finish line even more worthwhile.

Did you know that 46,000 young Australians face homelessness? And each night, 1 in 2 young people are turned away from supported accommodation services.

Through the Property Industry Foundation, our efforts will help build safe, secure homes for these youth. Every $1 donated is matched with in-kind donations of skills, labour, and goods from the property and construction industry, doubling the impact of every dollar!

Join me in making a difference by donating via the link below!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Rubens Peculis

Have fun!


Something For

Good luck Caio x


Simon Reid


Caio Peculis


Monalisa Salaskar