Harry Tynan

Pedal for Homeless Youth (24)

I'm fundraising for Pedal for Youth Homeless

I will be riding along with the Tynans team on the 25th July 2024.

Every night there are 4,500 young people in Queensland who are without safe and secure housing. The money will be put towards affordable, suitable and stable housing. Please donate to this great cause!

I will provide updates on the rigorous training regimen.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Grant Dougan

Amazing work Harry and the Tynans team. Huge congrats for raising awareness and funds for this very important cause.


Estate First Lawyers

What a great cause and idea! Go Harry! From Ann, Sam and EFL team


Tim Russell

Nice one, Harry.


Edward Caser

Great cause mate, pedal well!


James Kelder

Get em Harry!


Harry Tynan