Cycle for Homeless Youth
There are three distances to choose from in this year’s Tour de PIF cycling event. All distances navigate Sydney cycling heartland, Kuring Gai Chase National Park, tucked in behind Sydney’s Northern Beaches.
Starting in Terrey Hills, all three events ride through Terrey Hills and Duffy’s Forest before descending to sea level via Akuna Bay, which ride in an clockwise direction.
There are two aid stations on course offering gels, water and electrolytes. These are located at the end of West Head for the 100km and 60km events, and at the top of McCarrs Creek Rd for the 100km, 60km and 35km events.
Ride Locations
Terrey Hills
Duffy's Forest
Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park
McCarrs Creek
West Head
Akuna Bay
Friday 13 September 2024
The Courses
Long course l 100kms
Medium course l 60kms
Short course l 35kms
100km Cycle Course Notes
Starting and finishing at Miramare Gardens, this ride takes you through the Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park, McCarrs Creek and out to West Head.
This is a challenging course and is only recommended for experienced riders who are comfortable riding 80km in a single ride, and longer climbs.
Fitness training/ preparation is highly recommended to complete this ride on the day.
Estimated time to complete - 4.5hrs - 5.5hrs.
To see a recent cycle of this course click here -

60km Cycle Course Notes
Starting and finishing at Miramare Gardens, this ride takes you through the Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park, McCarrs Creek and out to West Head. This ride has a total elevation of 1,040m and it is for mid-level to experienced riders with an average of 20-25km/hr.
Fitness training/ preparation is highly recommended to complete this ride on the day.
Estimated time to complete - 2hrs - 3.5hrs.
To see a recent cycle of this course click here -

35km Cycle Course Notes
Starting and finishing at Miramare Gardens, this ride takes you through back of Terrey Hills, Duffy’s Forest into the start of Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park at Akuna Bay. This ride has a total of 564m elevation and it is designed for new riders, mountain bike riders or those wanting a more social ride.
Some degree of fitness training and on-road preparation is recommended to complete this ride.
Estimated time to complete - 1hr20mins - 2hrs.
To see a recent cycle of this course click here -

On the Day
Participants are to arrive in their cycling kit, ready to go! Registrations, pastries & coffee in the Event Village start from 6:30am.
100KM Cycle Registration is at 6:45am | Start Time is from 7:15am.
60KM Cycle Registration is at 8:15am | Start Time is from 9:00am.
35KM Cycle Registration is at 9:30am | Start Time is from 10:15am.
We expect all Cyclists to arrive back at Miramare Gardens by 12:30pm. This will be followed by a sit-down lunch from 1:00pm.
While there will be on-course support, riders are expected to be self-sufficient and should carry:
- Mobile phone
- Two bidons (bottles) & personal nutrition
- Appropriate clothing and spare clothing for wet weather/ change for lunch.
- Sunscreen
- Tools and equipment to repair (e.g. tubes, tyre levers, inflation etc)
There are only 200 parking spots available onsite. You'll be directed by both sigange and parking marshals when you arrive at Miramare Gardens.
You will need to stop when you arrive at Miramare Gardens and unload your bike before proceeding to the underground carpark. There will be event marshals/ volunteers to help you do this.
There will be a sit-down lunch at Miramare Gardens following all events. The lunch will commence at 1:00pm and conclude at 3:00pm.
In the event village there will also be activities for you and the team to enjoy.
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