Youth Homelessness

Every night there are 6,000 young people in Victoria who are without safe and secure housing

Every night there are 45,000  young Australians without a safe and secure place to sleep. Not every young person is able to live with their family and for many, foster families are not available. They need a safe and secure place to rebuild their lives. The Property Industry Foundation exists to solve this problem of youth homelessness.

The Property Industry Foundation believes that every young Australian deserves a safe, secure home environment – which provides a foundation of opportunity from which they can determine their future. We lead & coordinate the efforts of our industry, along with our charity partners, to create these safe & secure environments.

Our Purpose

They are either without a shelter of any kind, sleeping rough; with a place to sleep but temporarily in institutions or shelter; living in insecure housing– threatened with severe exclusion due to insecure tenancies, eviction, domestic violence; or living in inadequate housing – in caravans on illegal campsites, in unfit housing, in extreme overcrowding. 

Although there has been a disproportionate rise in rough sleeping, the biggest increase in youth homelessness over the past few years is attributed to the growing problem of severe overcrowding — that is, people crammed into dwellings with at least four bedrooms fewer than required.

The Property Industry Foundation exists to solve this problem of youth homelessness. We bring together the property and construction industry to build homes for homeless youth. Once built, we hand these new homes over to our frontline charity partners which then run the homes.

When the Property Industry Foundation commits to build for a charity partner, we fundraise for the entire build – we want to make sure these homes get completed. Without this kind of support – a stable home with wrap-around support – these young people would simply not have the opportunity to commit to long-term study. This home is a chance for them to break inter-generational poverty and homelessness. Let’s come together to make a difference in their lives.

The Foundation has been building and refurbishing homes for homeless youth since 1996. We bring together the property and construction industry to build homes for homeless youth through a cost-efficient model, The Haven Project. This unique 50/50 building model effectively takes every $1 raised and doubles its value. 

House Program